
Authored books

Eilenberg, Michael (2012) “At the Edges of States: Dynamics of State Formation in the Indonesian Borderlands”. Leiden: KITLV Press - Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies – Monograph Series on Power and Place in Southeast Asia (open acess, pdf).

Re-published by BRILL Academic Publishers in January 2014 in the series Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.

Edited books and journals

Harrisson, Annika and Michael Eilenberg (2024) "Biosecurity Fencing: Governing Biosecurity and Unruly Nature". Helsinki University Press, Accepted for publication.

Chettri, Mona and Michael Eilenberg (2021) “Development Zones in Asian Borderlands”. Amsterdam University Press: Asian Borderland Book Series. (Link to author version of manuscript).

Chettri, Mona and Michael Eilenberg (2019) “Reading Space, Society and History in Asia through its Ruins: Special Issue on Ruins and Borderlands in Asia”. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter – IIAS, Vol. 82/Spring.

Cons, Jason and Michael Eilenberg (2019) “Frontier Assemblages: The Emergent Politics of Resource Frontiers in Asia”. Wiley and Blackwell: Antipode Book Series.

Lund, Christian and Michael Eilenberg (2017) “Rule and Rupture: State Formation through the Production of Property and Citizenship”. Wiley Blackwell: Development & Change Book Series.

Eilenberg, Michael; McGregor Andrew and Borges Coutinho, Joana. (2015) “From Global Policy to Local Politics: Exploring the Social Dynamics of REDD+ in Southeast Asia”. Special Issue of Asia Pacific Viewpoint,Vol. 56 (1): 1-5.

Articles and book chapters

Cons, J and Michael Eilenberg (2024) "Settler-Colonial Beasts - Feral Pigs and Frontier Assemblages in Texas". Antipode, Vol. 56, (2): 424-445.

Eilenberg, Michael and Annika Pohl Harrisson (2023) "Fencing, Biosecurity and Wild Boar Politics in the Danish-German Borderland". Journal of Borderland Studies,

E-pub ahead of print - 6 Dec 2023.

Eilenberg, Michael and Annika Pohl Harrisson (2023) “Boar-der Fencing: Human-Animal Conflicts in the Danish Borderlands.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Spring), no. 7. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

Eilenberg, Michael (2022) "The Last Enclosure: Smoke, Fire and Crisis on the Indonesian Forest Frontier". Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 49, (5): 969-998.

Chettri, M and Michael Eilenberg (2021) “Enclave Development and Socio-spatial Transformations in Asian Borderlands in Development Zones” in Mona Chettri and Michael Eilenberg /(eds.) Asian Borderlands. Amsterdam University Press: Asian Borderlands Book Series.


Mikkelsen, T and Michael Eilenberg (2021) “Genealogies of Extraction: De-facto Development Zones in the Indonesian Borderlands” in Mona Chettri and Michael Eilenberg /(eds.) Asian Borderlands. Amsterdam University Press: Asian Borderlands Book Series.

Cons, J and Michael Eilenberg (2019) "On the New Politics of Margins in Asia: Mapping Frontier Assemblages" in Jason Cons and Michael Eilenberg (eds.) Frontier Assemblages. Wiley and Blackwell: Antipode Book Series.

Eilenberg, Michael and Jason Cons (2019) "Assembling the Frontier" in Jason Cons and Michael Eilenberg (eds.) Frontier Assemblages. Wiley and Blackwell: Antipode Book Series.

Eilenberg, Michael. (2018) "Frontier Constellations" in Alexander Horstmann, Martin Saxer, Alessandro Rippa (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Borderlands. Routledge Handbook Series.

Eilenberg (2016) “A State of Fragmentation : Enacting Sovereignty and Citizenship at the Edge of the Indonesian State”. Development and Change, Vol. 47, (6): 1338-1360.

Eilenberg, Michael. (2016) “Nested Sovereignties: Autonomy and Authority in the Indonesian Borderlands” in Martin Rössler, Michaela Haug, Anna‐Teresa Grumblies (eds.) Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia: Transforming the Margins. Routledge - Contemporary Southeast Asia Series.

Eilenberg, Michael (2015) “Shades of Green and REDD: Local and Global Contestations over the Value of Forest Versus Plantation Development on the Indonesian Forest Frontier”. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol. 56 (1): 48-61.

Eilenberg, Michael; Saito-Jensen, Moeko; Sikor, Thomas and Kurniawa, Y. (2015) “Policy Options for Effective REDD+ Implementation in Indonesia: The significance of forest tenure reform”. International Forestry Review, Vol. 17 (1): 86-97.

Eilenberg, Michael (2014) “Frontier Constellations: Agrarian expansion and sovereignty on the Indonesian-Malaysian border”. Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 41(2): 157-182.

Eilenberg, Michael (2014) “Evading Colonial Authority - Rebels and Outlaws in Dutch West Borneo”. Journal of Borderland Studies, Vol. 29 (1): 11-25.

Eilenberg, Michael (2013) “Timber Entrepreneur, Cukong Kayu”, in Joshua Barker, Erik Harms and and Johan Lindquist (eds.) Figures of Southeast Asian Modernity. University of Hawaii Press.

Eilenberg, Michael (2012) ”The Confession of a Timber Baron – Paterns of Patronage on the Indonesian-Malaysian border”. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Vol 9(2):149-167.

Eilenberg, Michael (2012) “Territorial sovereignty and trafficking in the Indonesia-Malaysia borderlands”, in Michele Ford, Lenore Lyons and Willem van Schendel (eds.) Labour Migration and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge - Contemporary Southeast Asia Series.

Eilenberg, Michael (2011) ”Flouting the Law: Vigilante justice and regional autonomy on the Indonesian borderAustrian Journal of South East Asian Studies, Vol. 4(2): 237-253.

Eilenberg, Michael (2011) “Straddling the Border: A Marginal History of Guerrilla Warfare and ‘Counter-Insurgency’. in the Indonesian Borderlands, 1960s-1970s”. Modern Asian Studies, Vol 45 (6): 1423–1463.

Eilenberg, Michael (2009) “Negotiating Autonomy at the Margins of the State: The Dynamics of Elite Politics in the Borderland of West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. South East Asia Research, Vol. 17(2): 201-227.

Eilenberg, Michael and R. L. Wadley (2009) “Borderland Livelihood Strategies: The Socio-economic Significance of Ethnicity in Cross-border Labour Migration West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol. 50(1):58-73.

Eilenberg, Michael (2008) ”Borderland Encounters: a Letter from Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan”. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs, Vol. 42(1): 191-200.

Wadley, R.L and Michael Eilenberg (2006) “Vigilantes and Gangsters in the Borderland of West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. In: Alexander Horstmann (ed.): State, Peoples and Borders in Southeast Asia. A special Issue of the Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, Vol. 7: 1-25. The paper is published in five languages - English, Indonesian, Thai, Filipino and Japanese

Eilenberg, Michael (2006) ”Grænsestrategier og Transnationale relationer". Nord Nytt – Nordisk Kulturtidsskrift for Etnologi & Folkloristic. Theme number on Transnationalism. Vol. 98: 21-40.

Eilenberg, Michael (2005) “Paradoxical Outcomes of National Schooling in the Borderland of West Kalimantan, Indonesia: The case of the Iban”. Borneo Research Bulletin, Vol. 36: 163-184.2

Wadley, R.L and Michael Eilenberg (2005) “Autonomy, Identity and ’Illegal’ Logging in the Borderlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. Vol. 6 (1): 19-34.

I am currently working on:


A book on biosecurity and fencing (with Annika Pohl Harrison)

A chapter about biopolitics and strategies of wild pig eradication (with Jason Cons)